The Rheumatology Podcast is Now Available

Paul SufkaRheumatology Podcast

“Real Artists Ship” – Steve Jobs  “Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good” – Voltaire The Rheumatology Podcast, hosted by Michael Laccheo, Suleman Bhana, and myself  is now available on the website. Update: Now available in iTunes! We also have a Twitter feed @TheRheumPodcast that we’ll be using for updates as well. This is an initial venture into podcasting for all three of … Read More

Announcing – The Rheumatology Podcast

Paul SufkaEducation, Med Tech, Rheumatology Podcast

I’m proud to announce, that along with co-hosts Dr. Michael Laccheo and Dr. Suleman Bhana, that the inaugural episode of The Rheumatology Podcast will be released early this next week. In the first episode, we discuss a bit about who each of us are, electronic medical records, misunderstandings about rheumatology and rheumatologists, social media use in medicine, a few of our takeaways from … Read More

Applying the Pareto Principle (80/20 Rule) to Rheumatology

Paul SufkaEducation

“If you can’t explain it to a six year old, you don’t understand it yourself.” ― Albert Einstein Update 1/4/2013: This post was republished today in the ACP Internist blog.  Since entering the field of rheumatology, I have too frequently heard comments from clinicians admitting their lack of knowledge and understanding in the field of rheumatology. I understand why rheumatology has gotten … Read More

Optimizing Your Meeting Experiences

Paul SufkaConferences

I attended my fourth American College of Rheumatology Annual Meeting this past November in Chicago. Each year, prior to attending the biggest yearly meeting of rheumatologists in the world, I spend some time thinking about how to best optimize my limited time there. The first three years I tried to make it to every lecture that I could, and heard … Read More

Learning From the Extremes in Medicine

Paul SufkaEducation

“The extremes inform the mean, not vice-versa”‎ – Timothy Ferriss To the benefit of society, randomized controlled trials have formed the cornerstone of modern medical information. These types of trials have been instrumental in helping us characterize the best treatments for a number of diseases and conditions, improving healthcare quality overall. To make these studies applicable to the largest possible … Read More

Seven Ways That Technology Could Improve Rounding in the Hospital

Paul SufkaMed Tech

Doctors enjoy seeing patients, and many clinicians consider the time they spend with their patients to be the best part of their day. Unfortunately, for a multitude of reasons, doctors are unable to spend as much time as they would like directly interacting with patients. They can feel rushed to get to the next patient. Documentation, billing, and other paperwork … Read More

Cloud Computing: Ways for Physicians to use Dropbox

Paul SufkaMed Tech

People say the quantity of medical information doubles every 5 years. Somehow each of us has to figure out how we organize all of this information that is presented to us. Every great physician mentor I’ve known has been able to quickly pull excellent journal articles from their personal “archive” of literature that they’ve gathered over the years. Sometimes, these … Read More

Speaking at Strategies in Primary Care Conference – Minneapolis – Sept 23

Paul SufkaAnnouncements

I’m proud to announce that I’ll be speaking at the 29th Annual Strategies in Primary Care Medicine conference in Minneapolis on September 23rd. I’ll be speaking on the second day of the conference, from 11:10-11:55am on Recent Advances in Rheumatology for Primary Care Physicians. After attending this talk, participants should: “Be able to apply recent updates in the diagnosis and treatment … Read More