Applying the Pareto Principle (80/20 Rule) to Rheumatology

Paul SufkaEducation

“If you can’t explain it to a six year old, you don’t understand it yourself.” ― Albert Einstein Update 1/4/2013: This post was republished today in the ACP Internist blog.  Since entering the field of rheumatology, I have too frequently heard comments from clinicians admitting their lack of knowledge and understanding in the field of rheumatology. I understand why rheumatology has gotten … Read More

Learning From the Extremes in Medicine

Paul SufkaEducation

“The extremes inform the mean, not vice-versa”‎ – Timothy Ferriss To the benefit of society, randomized controlled trials have formed the cornerstone of modern medical information. These types of trials have been instrumental in helping us characterize the best treatments for a number of diseases and conditions, improving healthcare quality overall. To make these studies applicable to the largest possible … Read More